
Key figures for the culture sector in 2021-2022

Les chiffres cles  du secteur de la culture 2020

It is important to know the cultural habits of the French, in order to understand their needs and desires. Here are some key figures for the cultural sector in 2021-2022. These trends help to understand where the marketing stakes are in order to make a little space in the free time of the French.


Key figures for the Ministry of Culture in 2021-2022

It is still too early to know the key cultural figures for the year 2020. They will undoubtedly be totally different from previous years. The French, brands and cultural institutions have had to reinvent the forms of access to art and culture during the confinements.

In the meantime, let’s take a look at the annual statistics of the Ministry of Culture and Communication, and its analysis of the key figures for previous years. Here are some general conclusions:

Indeed, music, films and TV series are favoured by Internet users. 68% of the French make online purchases of cultural goods. This observation is even more true for young people. 97% of Internet users between 15 and 30 years old consume culture online, compared to 60% of those over 60 years old.

The latest annual statistics from the Ministry of Culture and Communication go into more detail on the key figures for the culture sector in 2018.

It should be noted that this year, French consumption is decelerating compared to previous years: +0.9% in 2018 compared to +1.4% in 2017 and +1.8% in 2016. Increases in spending on hotels and restaurants, transport and accommodation contributed to this slight rise in purchases.
Those carried out in the field of cultivation make a moderate contribution to these developments. They increased by 1.5% overall, with a 2.6% increase specific to cultural and recreational services.
Only the literature category (press, books and stationery) has been steadily declining since the late 2000s and purchases in the sector are down 4% in 2018.


Leisure and the French in 2021-2022

A study by Opinion way conducted online with 1,000 French people in January 2018 provides some information on the relationship of the French to their leisure activities. They spend a stable budget for their outings even though digital is becoming increasingly important. Indeed, 97% of them believe that cultural and leisure activities are essential to their quality of life. Here are a few figures that show how much time the French spend on their leisure activities.

Here are the favourite leisure activities of the French:

According to a survey conducted by Sofincope in March 2018 on leisure activities, the average French budget allocated to culture is 660 euros per year.

According to another Yougov and Omnibus study conducted in January 2020 among 1016 people, here are some key figures on the cultural outings of the French.

The favorite outings of the French are :

What influences the French in their choice are :

Before going to the event, 70% of French people get information from the leisure activity’s website and 27% from its social networks. 36% of consumers read Google reviews before they visit.


Heritage and museums in 2021-2022

Regarding the heritage sector, 2017 saw an increase in site visits of 12%. The importance of heritage and its conservation is increasingly valued in French society and institutions are working on it daily. It must be said that the fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris has left its mark on the minds of the French.

Museum attendance, meanwhile, increased by 5% in 2017. 1,200 of them have the Musée de France label. Art museums account for ⅔ of this attendance. Temporary exhibitions still attract the French. Paris recorded 5 million visitors to the 10 most visited exhibitions.

If you want to know more about the marketing strategies to adopt to enhance your company or your establishment, our agency Alioze is specialized in cultural communication.


Read also our article on the
key figures for the culture sector 2020
(in French)

See also:





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