
Top 5 Best Car Commercials

meilleures publicites automobile

In our society today, advertising is everywhere. When we walk down the street, watch television or surf the web, advertising messages fill our daily lives. How can you make an impression in this multitude of information and succeed in standing out from the crowd? The automotive sector is not immune to competition. However, some communication campaigns manage to stay in the memory. Alioze presents you the 5 best car ads of the last years.

Jeep, the adventurous automobile

Even though Jeep is already world-renowned for its unusual vehicles, the brand continues to think up original car ads.

Jeep cars are for the traveling driver who likes to venture out on rough and winding roads. Robust and reliable, they are suitable for all types of paths. The daredevils can therefore have a field day. This is the spirit that stands out in the various advertising campaigns, often with a humorous touch.

In 2007, a low-cost advertisement in Denmark set people on fire. No TV spot, no huge poster campaign, but a simple road marking in the Danish streets. White marks mark parking spaces reserved for Jeep cars, the only ones that can climb the sidewalks and park anywhere. It’s a way of showing that Jeep can also be driven in the city, because it really does adapt to all situations! Images were of course shared on the Internet and in the media, giving the brand great visibility.


The timeless car from Volkswagen: the Beetle

One of the best car commercials of all time is undoubtedly the one for the Volkswagen Beetle.

In the 1950s, the post-war economy was in very good shape. Purchasing power is important, it’s a folie de grandeur. Car brands in Europe and the United States are going big, showing off their luxury.

Volkswagen decided to go against the general euphoria to gain a foothold in the American market. The company called on the DDB communications agency to produce the “Think small” campaign. It is aimed at normal people and is a far cry from other car companies that only sell a manly image to the wealthy.

This advertisement hits right at the heart of its target, a more frugal and no-frills population. A design in the image of its customers.


Honda, a perfectly oiled advertisement

Auto Express ranked the best car ads of all time in 2012. The podium place goes to Honda for the advert The Cog. This ad is not very young, it dates from 2003, but it has not aged a bit and could still work perfectly today.

The spot unfolds a chain reaction for about 2 minutes. A nut rolls on a wooden board to hit another one. Objects in the vehicle interact with each other one by one and trigger a mechanism at each step. The pieces collide, roll and swing. The movement is fluid, perfect and ends on a finished and built Honda Accord. The process is very well oiled and mechanically very precise to be able to work, as to enhance the car’s system. Each component hits the next with the necessary and perfectly calibrated force to keep the chain moving.


The Mini Cooper, small but strong

The company with the mythical cars is known for its original advertising stunts. The Mini Cooper being sometimes criticized for its size, the brand decided to cleverly capitalize on its shortcoming to turn it into a strength.

In several of its advertisements, Mini highlights the space that the vehicle offers. In 2012, the company offered a collaboration to students at an advertising school in Miami. The youngsters were creative in rolling out the carpet… Indeed, you had to collect your luggage in the American airport to understand that the Mini Cooper Clubman has more space in its trunk than you might think.

The brand always targets its customers perfectly. In 2014, the Mini Cooper was completely redesigned. In order to make the changes, Mini is turning the English bulldog Spike into the main character and new mascot. At first suspicious of the new car, he inspects it and adopts it in no time.


Peugeot, the international 206

We could not propose a top of the most beautiful car marketing campaigns without talking about a French brand. Peugeot also knows how to satisfy its audience and produce impactful advertisements throughout the world.

The 206 is a city car created in 1998 and launched the same year at the World Motor Show. It was a great success all over the world with more than 5.2 million cars sold. Today, it is the company’s most popular model and the most sold French car!

Back in 2002, a television commercial for the famous Peugeot 206 entitled “The Sculptor”. The scene takes place in India. A young man gets into his car and starts to drive into the walls forwards and then backwards. He then asks an elephant to sit on it. We don’t immediately understand what he wants to do. Then, a shot on the car reveals the plot. He transformed and customized his old car to make it look as much like the 206 as possible. The Euro RSCG MCM agency in Milan and director Matthijs Van Heijningen created one of the most memorable commercials of recent years.

So, does this give you ideas for your future advertising campaign? Alioze, the agency specialized in the automotive industry, will accompany you in your communication strategy: contact us.



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