
The best education ads of recent years

meilleures publicites secteur education dernieres annees

Universities, schools and government must be imaginative in their communication strategy to win over young people and adults in training. How can we make people want to learn without imposing and banishing the moralizing tone? The education sector must redouble its efforts to effectively address its target audience. We have compiled some of the best communication and advertising campaigns in education.

The University of Lyon 1, an ace communicator

The Lyon 1 faculty dedicated to science and technology, health and sports science knows how to make a name for itself. Between a life-size role-playing game and a major poster campaign, the university is putting its money where its mouth is.

Zombie attack

For the start of the 2018 academic year, the Claude-Bernard University in Lyon has set up a giant game space. Approximately 400 students were invited to participate in the game and turn into zombies. The young people are divided into teams in an amphitheatre where their arms are swabbed to let them know that they have caught a virus. Their solution? Cure, die or mutate into a superhero!


The students must search for clues scattered around the university to change their situation, while a fake doctor strolls around to infect them. Professionals make up the students as they transform into zombies.

Several objectives were achieved:

This publicity stunt worth 10,000 euros was a success. He has been active on the networks and in the academic community. The University of Lyon was able to convince the young people with a 91% satisfaction rate.

I love my university

The same year, Lyon 1 promoted its campus through a poster. This time, the campaign is launched in January, when high school students are making their choices for the future. The posters are displayed at the student fair and in Lyon’s transport system (metro and tramways).


The images highlight the daily life of students to make future academics want to choose Claude Bernard University as a place to learn. Each photograph is composed of a group of young people grouped around an adult, a medical mannequin, a robot, etc. accompanied by the slogan: “Lyon 1. I love my campus”. The pedagogy, the conviviality of the campus, the schooling and the creativity are highlighted to make people want to come and study at Lyon 1.

To spread the word about this campaign, Lyon 1 is encouraging young people to take part in a competition on Instagram by posting a photo that illustrates the hashtags #univlyon1 and #jaimemonuniversite.


An escape game at the University of Troyes

The University of Technology in Troyes has created an escape game to help first-year students get to grips with chemistry, an unloved subject. The campus created an imaginary character’s account on social networks, Facebook and twitter. Professor Bismuth, a mad scientist teacher, becomes one of the best communication and publicity campaigns in education. When the professor disappears a few months later, the students are invited to find him through a clue hunt in the university buildings. Teachers and staff of the communication department have developed a scenario and concrete plots to make students aware of chemistry.



The operation has had a significant impact on the teaching community in Troyes and beyond. All this, for a paltry budget of 200 euros. This digital communication campaign won first prize from Arces, the association of higher education communication managers.


In Spain, incentives for reading

The Spanish Communication Council has launched a national communication aimed at the country’s youth to encourage them to read. A portrait of a young person is accompanied by a text. On one of these posters, a teenage girl with a piercing is smiling surrounded by two slogans. On the left, ” a piercing makes you look interesting, read makes you an interesting person” and on the right, ” what matters is in your head. Read 20 minutes a day ». An impactful message and faces that many can relate to.

In the same idea, the city of Guadalajara encourages reading with a poetic and slightly mocking tone. The blue background shows the drawing of the elephant swallowed by a boa, taken from Saint-Exupéry’s novel The Little Prince. For a novice, the drawing represents a hat, only those who have read the book will know how to recognize it. Some words of advice: ” If you see a hat on this poster, you need to read “. Direct and efficient!

Babbel and the aliens

One advertisement that stood out was that of Babbel, the online application for learning a language in a fun way. In one video, we follow an alien on vacation on Earth who has trouble making himself understood. This metaphor symbolizes the feeling that one can experience when traveling to a country where one does not speak the language. The protagonist then comes across a poster of Babbel. Freed, he learns the language and can finally communicate with those around him and enjoy his trip more. This two-minute commercial, produced by Wieden + Kennedy London, has made a lasting impression on the learning industry.


If you too would like to develop an impactful communication and advertising campaign in the field of education and teaching, contact us.




University of Lyon 1 / Babbel.

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