
Top beauty searches on Google in France

top recherches beaute google france

Last year, 3.3 million beauty queries were typed into Google in Europe. The French actually use the Internet on a daily basis to find products, look for advice, inspiration and answer their questions about beauty. As a result, search is at the heart of market trends and allows us to understand the most frequent questions asked by consumers. Identifying the most typed keywords and beauty searches is very useful to help you define your SEO strategy and find good opportunities to communicate effectively.


Some beauty research trends

French women don’t want to grow old

The subject that has never ceased to interest Internet users since the web has existed is that of anti-ageing care. The fear of seeing one’s body age is a theme that concerns most consumers in a reasonable way. Thus, the keywords ” anti-wrinkle ” and ” anti-aging ” are beauty searches that will always be relevant for SEO.


Consumers no longer want products that are harmful to their health

A new SEO trend has been emerging for a few years, that of ethical beauty and closer to the environment. Society is changing and consumers are increasingly attracted to a healthier lifestyle. The beauty and cosmetics sector is no exception.

This trend is obviously beneficial to brands that position themselves as being close to nature and respectful of the environment. For example, Oh My Cream! recorded 80% growth in 2017 and Yves Rocher, France’s favourite brand, is the most searched beauty company on the web.

Also, when UFC-Que choisir determines a list of questionable ingredients, they are then searched more than 1 million times. Proof that the French are getting informed and no longer want cosmetics that are harmful to their bodies. Consumers are increasingly interested in the composition of beauty products and are banning allergens and endocrine disruptors. This trend began 15 years ago, in response to scientific and legal advances. As early as 2005, there was a spike in Google searches on parabens following the release of an English study linking this ingredient to breast cancer. In 2011, another increase is visible when the National Assembly bans them in France.

Another decried term is the word ” silicone ” which has been continuously typed into Google searches since 2009 and is reaching record levels in 2020. The three most common associated queries are:

Endocrine disruptors, meanwhile, had followed a surge in 2017 when Europe set strict regulations. The terms continue to set records as do the queries associated with them.



Top 10 most searched ingredients on Google in 2020

Here are the top 10 most searched facial care ingredients on Google in 2020, according to Cult Beauty :



The most typed make-up queries in the search

As far as make-up is concerned, every year the term takes a leap in October. This observation leads us to believe that the end of year celebrations lead Internet users to seek information and advice on how to look their best for the celebrations. Makeup tutorials explode at this time.

Lip gloss is making a comeback, as it has become a favorite among Hollywood celebrities. The last peak in requests was just recently in February 2020.

The smokey eye is also a favorite as is contouring. Women use the web to find beauty tips that make them look their best.



Top beauty questions asked on Google France

In 2019, Google looked at the most asked beauty questions across all categories. While makeup and perfumes don’t stand out in the list, it’s nails, eyelashes and hair that stand out and could therefore be the subject of content to optimize your SEO.

Questions such as ” how to do false nails “, ” how to apply false nails “, ” how to remove false nails “, ” how to grow your nails ” hold records. Of the top 10 most searched beauty questions on Google last year, 7 were about nails.

Eyelashes are also a major concern in beauty research. Questions about this part of the face are in the top 20 of beauty questions like ” how to apply false eyelashes “.

Finally, hair is an important topic with questions about maintenance, care and hairstyles. The first beauty question typed into the Google search bar by the French is ” how to grow hair “. This type of questioning is also echoed in our neighbours: in Portugal, they ask themselves ” how to straighten hair ” and, conversely, Norwegians want to know ” how to curl your hair with an iron “, while in Croatia they ask themselves ” how to cut your own hair “.


As beauty marketers, it’s essential to know yesterday’s and today’s trends to better guess tomorrow’s. As an SEO agency with expertise in beauty communication, Alioze helps you stay on top of Internet users’ behaviors in order to meet customers’ needs as precisely as possible.




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