
Food: the best advertisements and communication campaigns of recent years

meilleurs publicites alimentaires

Food advertising is omnipresent in our daily lives, whether in print magazines, through films on social networks, on TV or on posters in public transport. Some food communication campaigns are more memorable than others and stand out thanks to their targeted message.

Here are our top food ads of the past few years.



1 – Oréo appeals to the French with humour in a TV ad

The American cookie Oréo decides to attack the French market. Indeed, if Oreo is a popular biscuit all over the world, it does not have the same success in France. In 2018, the brand then launched a TV ad campaign to persuade the French to buy the cake. For this, she hits hard by calling on the actor Owen Wilson.



Several commercials are produced in which the movie actor desperately tries to present the cookie in broken French. We don’t really understand what he’s saying, but the ad stays in everyone’s mind thanks to Owen Wilson’s character who brings humor and self-mockery. The budget for four films amounted to 630,000 euros, not including the actor’s fee, which was kept secret.



2 – Michel et Augustin, marketing aces

Two high school friends, Michel and Augustin, founded this company in 2004. What makes it successful? An enterprising, collective and daring spirit that regularly concocts the best food advertisements of recent years.

For their targeted and engaging marketing, Michel et Augustin uses social networks and video format to develop their community. They put a lot of effort into their youtube channel by interviewing passers-by in the street, sending the HR director to recruit in the subway and travelling to the US to meet the CEO of Starbucks.



In July 2014, the Lyon-based brand made six more commercials on its own that were ” anything but advertising “. These films are always shown on the web, but also on TV, and even in the cinema, because they want to make their brand known to the general public. They are entirely produced in-house at their offices in La Bananeraie and interpreted by the team members. The simple and offbeat settings highlight all the little hands of the company, a way to show, once again, the values of the company and its authenticity. 100% homemade in fact, just like their “whaou” delicacies!




3 – Intermarché’s ugly vegetables and fruit have their own dedicated ad

In April 2014, retailer Intermarché teamed up with advertising agency Marcel to fight food waste. On advertising posters, an eggplant, a carrot, or a lemon with a twisted shape take pride of place. They are different from the uniform fruits and vegetables that we are used to finding on the shelves of supermarkets and are associated with a message such as ” an ugly carrot is a pretty soup ” as well as the slogan ” Intermarché ugly fruits and vegetables “. This communication campaign is also available in commercials. A clementine and a carrot with original shapes are personified while a voice encourages them to believe in themselves and to overcome their physical appearance.



When Intermarché decides to market these foods that are normally thrown away, it encourages people to consume all the products and not to rely on aesthetic canons. It is also a way for the company to improve its image by participating in the fight against food waste.



4 – Heineken, a world apart

In April 2017, Heineken hit hard with an ad in which two people who don’t know each other have to build a piece of furniture together. Once the objective is complete, they sit down at a bar to watch a video in which they each reveal themselves. The beliefs of one are the opposite of the other. They are then invited either to leave the room or to chat over a beer. Feminist and macho, environmentalist and climate sceptic, transgender and transphobic decide to sit down, open the Heineken and chat. The message of this advertisement is clear: beer opens up dialogue and brings people together. The brand remains true to its slogan ” Open your world ” and signs here one of the most impactful food communication campaigns of the last few years, which deserves its place in this top of the food ads.




So does this inspire you? Alioze, communication agency specialized in food, accompanies you in the development of your advertising campaign. Contact us for more information.


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