
Branded NFT: focus on the most successful campaigns

Which brands are most active in NFT? Some industries use the non-fungible token to achieve different objectives such as customer relationship management, metavers, collections or privileged access. The analysis of these practices allows companies to set up more adapted branded NFT programs.

NFT objectives and industry activities

The brand audit reveals that the most active sectors in terms of number of programs are:

The main focus remains “collecting” where the consumer buys a token to enjoy exclusive benefits or own a unique item. Personalized access (to events, for example) and customer relationship management (CRM) strategy are also emerging as two major functions.

Top-performing branded NFT programs

By analyzing several dimensions such as the number of tokens distributed, the amount of people reached, engagement or target affinity, we can determine the top 3 programs by category.
For the fashion and accessories sector:

For the culture and entertainment sector:

In the food sector, labels specializing in alcoholic beverages, wines and spirits are in the lead: the Budweiser group in first and third place and the Wine Bottle Club program in second place.

Analyzing the results of a brand’s NFT program allows agencies and companies to choose promising investments based on best practices.

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