
Weak vs. strong artificial intelligence and the work revolution

Alioze contributes every day to improve the visibility of companies on Google. Our job is to constantly work on Google’s algorithms and their consequences on people and companies. Without really talking about it, we work closely with AI (artificial intelligence) as professionals, but also every day through our thousands of “small daily gestures”.

We therefore repost today the intervention of Laurent Alexandre scientist, and expert on the subjects of transhumanism and AI. His video has been doing a lot of rounds on Facebook, in the midst of the left-wing primary, and 2017 presidential campaign, largely underpinned by the topics of “digital transformation”.



We wanted to play a little with the voice recognition provided by the Google doc AI and here is the result (far from perfect) but still interesting.

Note: we noticed that the transcription often cut… hence the gaps in the text.

Laurent Alexandre : Google doc voice AI transcription

Transcript begins:

I even have my Twitter account or those who are crazy about stuff I’m going to address just a few points on artificial intelligence Gassion often talks about the dangers of strong artificial intelligence another colleague Laurence de Villers could I share with her opinion that we will not have strong artificial intelligence tomorrow morning and that therefore the real subjects are on the management governance the regulation of an artificial intelligence that is to say its self awareness and not being directly dangerous for humanity I would like to insist on a few points of the subjects that are close to my heart with Henri on digital sovereignty the risk of coming to increase today to theI would like to insist on a few points on subjects that are close to my heart with Henri on digital sovereignty because there is a black hole of value in favour of groups of digital giants who master artificial intelligence and I remind you that in terms of intelligence and the third world we export specialists in the field of computer science.I remind you that in terms of intelligence and the third world we export artificial intelligence specialists, not all of them and many of them in this room, but the lock does not work for ATOS or Capgemini, it works for Facebook, we export brains and we bring artificial intelligence all day long, 65 million French people bring artificial intelligence 180 times a day when they are on their iPhone or their Android phone, so we are importers, my Sista, on the iPhone, on the Android phone, or on the massive importers of artificial intelligence. digital on traditional digital apps but also on artificial intelligence chains waiting Humanity it’s your sister dancing the boss of Intel who explains that and behind we have certainly statements quite energetic is catastrophic the boss of Google who explains Google will make you machines that resonate that think they will do things better than man it’s the definition of a strong artificial intelligence it asks what the boss of tesla explain to us Azon that artificial intelligence does not slice on me of mystic animals

I am persuaded that the current stakes are societal stakes of sovereignty of the economic stakes and we are not with the eve of a 9000 in 2001 Odyssey of space which would like to zigouiller Humanity I repeat the stakes are economic stakes related to the fact that we are null as regards artificial intelligence in Europe taken in pincer between the cockroaches and the beats TX Bidous Ali Baba Athens chain and the other Chinese Guillaumies we are in a context where the artificial intelligence is not alone it did not arrive all alone it arrived in a universe where the guys Familia TX hatched to the said or the idiot logis three humanist made push in the valley silicone of the impulses authentically energetic and very transgressive or technologies and the BIC arrives gradually to maturity is where the Asia-Pacific it can be said what faster than us and transgressive than us and does not pay exactly to our moral rules ethical philosophical and we will be able to have us we Christian democrat is social-democrats of left that we are all in comparison of the zone there are four great economic characteristics XXI century it is based on technologies exponential Line BIC and thus it is very unpredictable one did not see the revival of the artificial intelligence at the exit of the second or third winter of the artificial intelligence free date in value relative to this biological intelligence and that of the major consequences on the market of the employment mages because when there is a free guy the substitutes die and it is complementary thief price increase or what is substituted if the work can qualify and what is complementary of links it is not the low qualified work to Data this dentist is qualified the value of the qualified work the rise because it is complementary of Lea factors of production which will be a blow of null and the micro economy returns this verdict absolutely inescapable energies to Sion indeed we are in an economy or the zone Asia Pacific believes all allowed on the technological Dio but also on the plan of the artificial intelligence it is for that that it will be necessary a good governance, I am international Saur water tap of big platform for technical reasons that we all know it takes a lot of data to develop artificial intelligence and a recent study to show that a bad algorithm with a lot of data is superior to a better algorithm with not a lot of data Orly platform East Google call the others Televideo is it of the Revolution we are the useful idiots of artificial intelligence and we put every day billions of photos free on the nebula nothing but it Facebook Instagram Messenger and WhatsApp it develops at the same exponential rhythm and I believe that it is important to understand that what is on the left there biology research Between robotics and artificial intelligence tertiary without robot on a side one has an exponential and of NATO to a curve that is really an exponential robotics will not move much the market of the work to its robot will grow exponentially it will make explode implode or radically change important aspects of work not with techno 2017 but a little longer so right on the other hand skate electronic skis and artificial intelligence change mechanical support without mechanics in biology it will cross from much much much more You have people like Henri who fight to defend our sovereignty our identity and another part of the global digital value chain is very important but beyond that theBut beyond what the state does and your transformation into a pro-intelligence start-upup pro artificial intelligence it will be necessary that the whole of the economic fabric and classify of the civilians understands in Europe that if we do not have platforms East on the scale of the Chinese and then of the Americans we will be excused the formula the Zimbabwe of 2080 Europe we are in the process of losing economic the fundamental base of creation of value And there we have of historical responsibility all this time that we are in Europe if we do not want to become effectively a numerical colony of the gaffins there is a black hole of value in favour of the algorithms and there is with a radical change in the structure of traditionally we had business verticalize Nissan The Senate of politics and then water today we have a horizontalization of the trades we see arrive conglomerates of artificial intelligence which make several trades Baidu the Chinese google launches out in the autonomous car starting from the artificial intelligence we have transversalization glassalia your news and we have an aspiration of the value insult the workers here but I allow myself to recall that the 55 small geniuses of WhatsApp create years 4 years 23 billions of bicycle Zedong value that it was paid this price-there in action facebook which since increased In the mists of the Jura and the Vosges of the South created half less by making the three 8 since more than one century it is unfair it is politically incorrect but it is the reality of the aspiration to value of the artificial intelligence and the algorithms does not take part in this creation of value the relative pauperization of our populations and a certainty and the in matter of political management is not going to be simple whereas we are already in the midst of an eye crisis as you were able to which seems important to me if we reason micro and that we Appear a new share of capital that there is that I put in yellow a strong decline of work and a soaring value of highly qualified work but in reality highly qualified work is capital it is not real work and moreover highly qualified capital it is paid in shares and in stockauction it is a capital price it is not really work we see clearly that we have a relative decline in the share of work that is not real work. capital is paid in shares and in stock, it’s a capital price, it’s not really work. We can see that we have a relative decline in the share of work compared to capital, artificial intelligence destabilizing the relationship between capital and work by creating a new form of work that becomes capital at the same time as it becomes capital. form of work that becomes capital with a biological brain those who can’t say that work is going to disappear employment is going to disappear as a schumpeterian of the center left I’m convinced that we’re going to invent a lot of new jobs it’s a real subject school of the Republic in France like all the schools in the world except in some countries as the complementarity between the Transistor and natural reports all the reports of the Republic explains us naturally full in secret pepper around the artificial intelligence it is not at all won this complementarity between the artificial intelligence and the work is a fight and I remind you that in the future all the I remind you that in the future all the people who will not be complementary to artificial intelligence will be either unemployed or will have a job that is helped 99% 100% by definition if you are not complementary to Lia you don’t have a job indeed if artificial intelligence + 20 = artificial intelligence you are unemployed or you are on RSA by definition of course. are on the RSA by definition of course this complementarity will be more difficult in time otherwise nothing goes to school and then and then the professional training By definition ok it will thus be necessary to think of organizing the professional fields so that the children of tomorrow are complementary and having visited some training center for apprentices recently I can promise you that we do not take the way and the kids conform today on old machines not with numerical control in our campaigns which are 16 years old today and which are going to work just in 2060 and well we do not give a long quiet river on the professional plan facing artificial intelligence with rotten machines so they will never serve and on which anyway they have no future we have very important political responsibility I am not sure that we will have Ampoule auto des Métiers can qualify while artificial intelligence that is not based on robots will replace you I share the opinion of Yann lecun the boss of artificial intelligence in the process of one of the two branches of facebook artificial intelligence Vendetta corporatist will have exceeded the best radiologist before 2030 so we have a problem of reconversion that exceeds the problem of truck drivers and unskilled jobs there was also a need for a reorientation of jobs to traditional cognitive content and moreover we see If you take personalized medicine, which is very fashionable, it will kill the traditional doctor in a world where DNA sequencing these three billion DNA bases have given 20 TB 20000 GB 20000 billion of information per patient we have each of millions of mutation way I have number of references of millions each all here in the living room date of millions of mutation all are not promise of disease of course in the Dominion anyway and when we have a cancer of Seydou Keita big 25 million of analysis of all that DAC Doctor house is not going in 15 minutes of consultation undressing and We are going to have a transfer of power from medical power to algorithms with this very different medicine based on Big Data which excludes the biological brain from analysing the data, which does not mean that the biological brain has no place but its place and profoundly transforming it, which poses problems because obviously as no doctor can analyse the data, we have a real problem.It’s a pity that there are no more parliamentarians this afternoon, we have a real problem that we know 7 course you all know it is chilling it is the increase in income in two decades of globalization by decile everyone has benefited from globalization everyone except the bottom that corresponds to the point of questioning small white medium a little qualified that is to say the Western middle classes throughout the year see in some countries as like the United States and even Germany BC tomorrowI remind you that a doctor in genomics in Bengalore just now is three times cheaper than a specialized worker working 35 hours in the Paris region, which is a situation that is not always easy. that will not last in both directions we saw the direction nobody expected and I repeat it is before the artificial intelligence populist answer its anxieties even if exposed do not find solutions to most people And absolutely suicidal I think that people who pronounce it as a word are the useful idiots of a semi strong artificial intelligence if all the people who are not complementary of the artificial intelligence we put them on the side we give it games and circus in 50 years we have Metropolis and in a century has matrix we must fight day and night by reforming education and the professional system to ensure the complementarity of the workers whatever their level of qualification with the artificial intelligence if not it is a collective suicide etc of the political irresponsibility and not only of the politicians and a political responsibility of the whole of the civil society there is a building site of several decades it is a pity that the handicapped politicians of the field mouse that it is not take the full measure First time it is put itself sort of in a second it is an immense political debate Henri reflected much there- on and I share much hison it and I share much much of his vision I think that it is necessary and to work today it is not gained when this type of device tomorrow to provide to an irreplaceable service ring citizen and you saw the immense success is completely unexpected Alexa deco of amazon that nobody in the world saw come one cannot be worried when one sees that 50 % of the French in a recent poll will entrust voluntarily their blood one says oneself that it is going to be necessary of pedagogy to organize another startle it is today more urgent to reflect on its stakes of sovereignty economic stakes Thanks

Far from perfect, right? But some pretty funny terms 😉

To go further, you can also read our article: ” Artificial intelligence at the service of e-commerce “.

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